Tax evasion in Panama as a criminal offence

The Panamanian government has presented a bill to make tax evasion in Panama a criminal offence. In the future, tax evasion from USD 300,000 onwards is to be punished with 1-3 years imprisonment. After the OECD withdrew the country from the tax havens list in June 2017 and agreed tax agreements with various countries, Panama continues to work on improving transparency. 



Klaus Happ’s company “FRAPAN-Invest” advises investors who want to invest in real estate in Panama. He offers advice on all aspects of living in Panama.

The real estate market in Panama is internationally one of the most interesting for investments. We would like to be your trusted local partner and assist you with the initial purchase. Additionally, we can take care of your real estate in Panama in a sustainable way.

Profitable, safe and beautiful:
Investments in Panama

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