Author: Klaus Happ

Real estate market report for Panama 2023 / 2024

The real estate market in Panama remains an attractive destination for German real estate investors in 2024, as they seek interesting investment opportunities in Panama and a Plan B outside of Europe. Panama City offers a wide range of high-quality real estate investments that promise solid returns and long-term appreciation potential. In this real estate market report for Panama 2023/2024, we provide a detailed overview of the current developments and opportunities in the country’s real estate market.

If you are also interested in reports from previous years, please have a look here.

Economic Development and Infrastructure Projects

Despite global challenges, Panama continues to experience positive economic growth. According to estimates from the World Bank, the country will achieve a growth rate of 2.5% in 2024 and increase to 4.5% by 2026. In 2023, there was a GDP growth of 7.3%. The government continues to focus on important infrastructure projects, such as the construction of the fourth bridge over the Panama Canal and the expansion of the metro network, to improve the transportation situation in Panama City and facilitate access to different neighborhoods.

Attractiveness of the real estate market for foreign investors

More and more foreigners from the American and European continents are seeking a Plan B in Panama as they no longer feel completely comfortable in their home countries. As a result, properties in Panama City are often purchased to apply for residency in Panama. Given the geopolitical tensions and the looming escalation of the conflict between Ukraine and Russia, investors attach increased importance to personally liking the property, in case they decide to live in Panama in the future.

The real estate market in Panama is particularly shaped by foreign buyers, especially those with a purchase volume of around 500,000 USD, who see Panama as an attractive destination for real estate investments. This trend is based on several factors. Firstly, property prices in Panama are often more attractive than in their home countries, which is of interest to Canadian, American, and European buyers. Secondly, Panama offers greater security for investments and properties compared to many home countries, which is particularly attractive to South American buyers. Additionally, these investments are frequently used to apply for an investor visa.

Effects of mine closure and credit rating downgrade

The weeks-long protests associated with the mine closure in November 2023 unsettled many people and temporarily slowed down the real estate market in Panama. The uncertainties surrounding the mining industry led to a temporary slowdown in the market. However, the market has since normalized.

The downgrade of Panama’s creditworthiness by Fitch Ratings due to the closure of a significant copper mine last year could also have positive implications for the real estate market, particularly in terms of prices. Increased financing costs could potentially result in a reduction of new real estate projects and a smaller supply, leading to positive long-term effects on real estate prices in Panama.

Government elections on May 5th of 2024

As the government elections in Panama approach on May 5th, which take place every five years, the expectation is that there will be no major political shifts, as parties and candidates tend to position themselves more towards the center. However, it will be interesting to observe how the issue of the copper mine will be addressed in the future.

Market Trends

In recent months, there has been a increased focus on new construction properties rather than existing properties. The demand for new properties has risen significantly as many investors are seeking modern, high-quality properties with contemporary amenities. This trend reflects investors’ desire for contemporary living and working spaces. On the other hand, existing properties offer the advantage of completing the purchase within three months through our FastTrack process and knowing what one is getting. Additionally, obtaining residency permits can often be quicker with existing properties. Please refer to our report on Existing Properties vs. New Construction for more information.

Business-Friendly Climate

Panama is globally recognized as one of the most business-friendly countries and opens its doors to international companies. According to the US News & World Report, Panama ranks only behind a few countries such as Switzerland, Luxembourg, and Singapore in terms of business friendliness. The pleasant climate and financial benefits make Panama an attractive location for investors.

Real Estate Market Report Panama Playa Bonita
Playa Bonita

Tourism Marketing as the Key to Success

The Panamanian government has recognized that the tourism sector is a significant driver of economic growth and has initiated increased marketing efforts in this area. There is a particular emphasis on eco-tourism and cultural aspects, which have been overlooked in the past. Investors who wish to invest in properties that benefit from tourism should consider these emerging areas (Casco Viejo, Panama Canal, Beaches), as Airbnb rentals are permitted with a license.

Panama City – Exclusive Top Locations at Reasonable Prices

Panama City offers exclusive top locations at reasonable prices, making it an attractive destination for German real estate investors. The modern high-rises, enchanting old town of Casco Viejo, and the Panama Canal area provide a variety of investment opportunities. Each neighborhood has its own charm and allows investors to invest in an urban environment with excellent growth potential. Whether it’s high-quality high-rises in downtown or historic properties in Casco Viejo, Panama City offers a wide range of high-quality options. Our report on Investing in Top Locations in Panama City with a Limited Budget presents the neighborhoods in Panama City and highlights the most financially appealing real estate projects.

Real estate in Historical old town Casco Viejo is high in demand
The historical UNESCO Old Town Casco Viejo

UNESCO Old Town Casco Viejo

The UNESCO World Heritage Site of Casco Viejo has evolved into a cultural and architectural gem. In 2022, the spectacular Hyatt Hotel and the beautiful Sofitel were opened, further enhancing the neighborhood’s image and luxury appeal. These renowned luxury hotel brands attract both tourists and real estate investors. Additionally, the connecting road to the new cruise port and exhibition center was completed in February 2024 and is a further step towards increasing the attractiveness of the real estate market in Casco Viejo. Investors can benefit from attractive UNESCO tax incentives, which include a 30-year exemption from property taxes and a 10-year exemption from income tax on rental income. Our modern apartments in Plaza Santa Ana come with these tax benefits, and the application for an Airbnb license is underway.

Airbnb at the Panama Canal

In an optimal location for Airbnb rentals, apartments ranging from 60 sqm to 106 sqm are being developed near the Panama Canal in Panama City. Prices start at USD 280,000. The prime location allows for short walks to the convention center and a 5-minute drive to the cruise terminal. Demand is high due to the unique location, design, and Airbnb rentals. Click here for more information on the Airbnb project at the Panama Canal.

Ocean Reef

The Ocean Reef project is considered one of the most successful projects in the history of Panama. The Ocean Reef Islands offer an exceptional location and quality that is unparalleled in Panama and throughout Latin America. Given that, demand for apartments in the most exclusive real estate project in Panama remains high, and the apartments will soon be sold out. In “The Palms” project, I have personally purchased an apartment, and I describe my reasons in this report.

Luxury Real Estate on Ocean Reef
Exclusive properties on the Ocean Reef Islands are still in high demand

Costa del Este and Santa Maria

The neighborhoods of Costa del Este and Santa Maria Golf and Country Club have established themselves as vibrant suburbs of Panama City. Both areas offer an attractive mix of high-quality residential properties and top-notch amenities. Costa del Este has the advantage of being the home to many multinational corporations, allowing residents to live near their workplace. This makes the neighborhood popular among tenants. Santa Maria is the most exclusive residential area in Panama City, offering a tranquil and green living environment within a 300-hectare gated community with an 18-hole golf course. Both neighborhoods are known for their high standards and extensive amenities.

Beach Areas on the Rise

Beaches near Panama City are becoming increasingly popular among travelers and investors. Panama has great potential to establish itself as an attractive travel destination, similar to Costa Rica. Projects such as Playa Caracol have already caught the attention of many investors. Further real estate developments are planned along the spectacular beaches in Panama, and we will report on them soon.

Conclusion of the Real estate market report for Panama

Panama continues to offer attractive opportunities for German real estate investors searching for interesting investment possibilities and a Plan B outside of Europe. The positive economic development, numerous high-quality real estate projects, various visa programs, and a business-friendly climate make Panama an appealing destination for capital investments.

Click on the button to find a good overview of the investment opportunities:

For more information on the current developments in Panama’s real estate market or for specific investment opportunities, please feel free to contact us.

You can also find many of the properties we currently have for sale in Panama on our YouTube channel in the form of informative videos.

What to look for when buying a property in Panama

If you decide to buy a property in Panama – whether as an investment or as a plan B – we would like to give you some advice.

Choose a good property manager in Panama who will take care of your needs and keep the tenant happy. A good property manager usually costs 10% of the monthly rent. We offer such property management in Panama City to our clients.

Seek assistance with the purchase process in order to keep an eye on possible incidental purchase costs in Panama from the beginning. Experience shows that it takes on average about 3 months from price agreement to registration in the land register – it is worth a lot to have someone with the necessary know-how at your side.


Klaus Happ’s company “FRAPAN-Invest” advises investors who want to invest in real estate in Panama. He offers advice on all aspects of living in Panama.

The real estate market in Panama is internationally one of the most interesting for investments. We would like to be your trusted local partner and assist you with the initial purchase. Additionally, we can take care of your real estate in Panama in a sustainable way.

Profitable, safe and beautiful:
Investments in Panama

Existing property vs. new build – it depends on what you want…

When deciding on a real estate investment in Panama, investors are faced with the choice between an existing property or a new build. Both options have their advantages and disadvantages that need to be considered. In this article, we would like to take a closer look at the advantages and disadvantages of both investment options and help you find the ideal property for your Plan B in Panama.

Existing Property


  • “Teething troubles” are well known: An existing property already has a history, and any defects or problems may have already been rectified. This means you can be sure that you know exactly what you are getting.
  • Fast visa application possible: For investors who want to apply for a residence permit in Panama, an existing property offers certain advantages. Once you are registered in the land registry (this process usually takes 2-3 months with our tried and tested process), you can start the application for the Friendly Nations Visa or the Golden Investor Visa straight away.


  • Older equipment and technology: Existing properties may have outdated equipment and technology. Depending on the age of the property, additional costs may be incurred for upgrades and repairs.
  • Higher maintenance costs: As existing properties are already several years old, maintenance costs can be higher than for new builds.

New building


  • New materials and technology: A new-build property offers the advantage of up-to-date materials and modern technology. This can lead to higher energy efficiency and lower operating costs.
  • Modern “lifestyle” concept: New builds are often designed with modern amenities and a contemporary living concept to meet the needs of today’s residents.
  • Lower maintenance costs: As the building is new, there are usually lower maintenance costs as all materials and systems are still in optimum condition.


  • Delays, developer risk, etc.: The construction of a property can be associated with delays and risks. Depending on the reliability of the developer and other factors, unforeseen problems may arise.
  • Visa application during the construction phase only with Golden Investor Visa: If investors wish to apply for a residence permit during the construction phase, they must consider the Golden Investor Visa, as the Friendly Nations Visa is not possible in these cases.

Conclusion: The choice between an existing property and a new build depends on the individual preferences and needs of the investor. Existing properties offer the advantage of known “teething troubles” and a potentially faster visa application process, while new builds offer modern materials and technology as well as a contemporary living concept. When choosing the right property in Panama, it is important to weigh up all the pros and cons.

Our company has extensive experience and a professional network of specialists in Panama. We will be happy to assist you in deciding and selecting the right property in Panama. We offer individual advice and a customized all-round service tailored to the needs of our clients.


Klaus Happ’s company “FRAPAN-Invest” advises investors who want to invest in real estate in Panama. He offers advice on all aspects of living in Panama.

The real estate market in Panama is internationally one of the most interesting for investments. We would like to be your trusted local partner and assist you with the initial purchase. Additionally, we can take care of your real estate in Panama in a sustainable way.

Profitable, safe and beautiful:
Investments in Panama

Panama City: Investing in a top location on a budget

Panama City is an up-and-coming destination for real estate investors looking for exclusive prime locations at reasonable prices. The modern high-rise city, the charming UNESCO Old Town of Casco Viejo and the Panama Canal area all offer exciting investment opportunities that make it possible to invest in an urban environment with an excellent capital investment. In this article, we will take a closer look at the districts and present the most attractive real estate projects in Panama City starting from 150.000 USD. And each of the projects is suitable for applying for a residence permit in Panama.


The modern high-rise city as an attractive investment location for your Plan B in Panama:

In the modern high-rise city near Avenida Balboa and Costa del Este, you will find impressive skyscrapers and a first-class infrastructure. Tenants appreciate the proximity to the Pacific Ocean, metro stations and workplaces. The modern high-rises offer amenities such as gyms, pools, children’s playgrounds and concierge services. Buying a property in this part of the city promises an urban lifestyle, high-quality building amenities and ongoing rental income in US dollars.

With the Ipanema apartment development, two exclusive residential towers are being built in a prime location directly on the seafront in Panama City by one of Panama’s best property developers. Most of the major multinational corporations are located in the immediate vicinity, which should ensure high rental demand, especially from international executives. The 1-3 bedroom apartments start from 280,000 USD. You can find more information on the Ipanema project here.

The Armonia project offers the most favourable starting prices in the modern city. Here you have the opportunity to invest from as little as USD 150,000 in a top location with a renowned developer. Universities, hospitals, subway stations and a new supermarket are in the immediate vicinity. The Armonia project is an excellent capital investment that is interesting for both young investors and experienced real estate buyers. It certainly helps you to implement your Plan B in Panama. I bought an apartment here myself. Click here for more information on the Armonia project.

Casco Viejo, the UNESCO old town, as a historic investment location for a residence permit in Panama

The UNESCO old town of Casco Viejo offers a unique historical ambience with charming streets and restored buildings. Here you will find boutiques, cozy cafés and first-class restaurants. A property in Casco Viejo not only offers a touch of history, but also attractive potential returns when renting or reselling. In addition, the Airbnb rental option offers the opportunity to use the property temporarily yourself. As the supply of properties in Casco Viejo is limited due to its location, future price increases can be expected. Also worth noting are the tax breaks, such as no property tax for 30 years and no tax on rental income for 10 years. Click here for the report on positive development in Casco Viejo.

The Casa Antigua Domingo project offers the best value for money in the UNESCO Old Town for apartments between 300,000 and 500,000 USD. Available apartments directly on Plaza Santa Ana start at just over USD 400,000. These small, split-level apartments with 67 square meters are ideal for Air B’n’B rentals. There are 3 apartments still available as of July 2024. So act now to avoid missing out on this attractive investment opportunity. Click for more information about Casa Antigua.

Airbnb at the Panama Canal

Airbnb at the Panama Canal

In an exceptional location for Airbnb rentals, apartments ranging from 60 sqm to 106 sqm are being built in Panama City at the Panama Canal. Prices start at $280,000 USD. The prime location offers short walks to the convention center and just a 5-minute drive to the cruise terminal. These apartments are suitable for both personal use and Airbnb rentals. The purchase price includes full furnishings and a parking space. Payment terms are liquidity-friendly, with 70% due upon completion.

The renowned developer plans to commence construction in January 2025, with an estimated duration of three years. The project features social areas with an infinity pool, fitness studio, restaurant, and bar. Since February 2024, a new bridge provides a direct connection to the UNESCO-listed Casco Viejo historic district and downtown. Enjoy breathtaking views of the Panama Canal, the sea, and the islands. The serene location offers abundant recreational opportunities nearby. Experience the beauty of the Panama Canal while earning passive income through Airbnb rentals.


With a limited budget, it is possible to invest in prime locations in Panama City and implement your Plan B in Panama. The modern high-rise city, the Panama Canal, and the UNESCO-listed Casco Viejo historic district all offer attractive investment opportunities for real estate investors seeking residency in Panama and a backup plan in the country. Your decision on where to invest depends on personal preferences and requirements. The modern city offers an urban lifestyle and well-equipped buildings, while the historic district provides a unique historical ambiance and attractive return possibilities. These investments also allow you to apply for your residency permit in Panama.

Take the opportunity to invest in a top location on a budget and implement your Plan B in Panama! Find out more about real estate in Panama and the application for a residence permit in Panama.


Klaus Happ’s company “FRAPAN-Invest” advises investors who want to invest in real estate in Panama. He offers advice on all aspects of living in Panama.

The real estate market in Panama is internationally one of the most interesting for investments. We would like to be your trusted local partner and assist you with the initial purchase. Additionally, we can take care of your real estate in Panama in a sustainable way.

Profitable, safe and beautiful:
Investments in Panama

Political crisis: challenges and opportunities

Panama is currently experiencing a political crisis, which has been accompanied by demonstrations and road blockades for around three weeks. The population is angry about the rapid approval of a controversial mining contract with Minera Panama, a subsidiary of the Canadian company First Quantum Minerals. A broad alliance of groups, including trade unions, teachers’ associations and youth organizations, have called for nationwide demonstrations to protest against the contract and demand a ban on mining.

The protesters are criticizing the negative environmental impact of open-cast mining, as well as the unfair conditions and various one-sided advantages for the Canadian company.

The copper mine in Panama has been operational since 2019 and is one of the largest in the world.
It is an important part of Panama’s economy (4.8% of GDP) and a major employer (2.3% of total employment).

Meanwhile the opportunity is also used to draw attention to dissatisfaction with the current government in terms of corruption, slow action, etc. At the same time, the opposition parties and trade unions are fueling the mood to put pressure on the current government during the election campaign. Government elections will be held again in Panama in May next year (every 5 years).

The crisis offers the opportunity for a social debate on the sustainable economic development of the country. The government must seek dialog with interest groups in order to listen to their concerns and demands. Above all, they have to find solutions that guarantee economic opportunities as well as environmental protection and social prosperity. Likely, this will also have positive consequences for the future, as lessons will be learned from mistakes made. A new government will have to heed the voice of the people on these issues and act in their interests.

Panama has a history of overcoming challenges, otherwise it would not be the flagship country of the region and the headquarters of major multinational corporations in Latin America.



Klaus Happ’s company “FRAPAN-Invest” advises investors who want to invest in real estate in Panama. He offers advice on all aspects of living in Panama.

The real estate market in Panama is internationally one of the most interesting for investments. We would like to be your trusted local partner and assist you with the initial purchase. Additionally, we can take care of your real estate in Panama in a sustainable way.

Profitable, safe and beautiful:
Investments in Panama

Positive development in Casco Viejo

The UNESCO Old Town Casco Viejo in Panama City has taken the next step in its development. In 2022, the spectacular Hyatt Hotel (Forbes report) and the beautiful Sofitel opened. These luxury brands and the planned connecting road to the new cruise port and exhibition centre will further stimulate the real estate market in Casco Viejo. Construction developments and lifestyle continue to push into the old town district of Santa Ana. “Regus”, one of the largest co-working companies in the world, plans to open its offices at Plaza Santa Ana in late 2023. This is also where Fashion Week took place in September 2023.

Since 2017, I have been searching for properties to invest in the Old Casco Viejo In Panama City, as I have always been convinced of the potential of the UNESCO Old City. However, this search has been difficult as many of the properties have a weak point (e.g. old, dark, damp, location, noisy, badly cut, etc).

Therefore, we decided to build a residential building according to our ideas and standards. Modern flats with a historic façade in a top location.

With our experienced local building partners we are constructing and selling 20 flats in the Casco Viejo (67 – 191sqm / 1-3 bedrooms) at the church square “Plaza Santa Ana”, which is one of the most beautiful squares in the old town. Selling prices from 280,000 USD. Including kitchen appliances, air conditioning, built-in wardrobes, double-glazed windows, etc.

Click on the link to find the project description of Casa Antigua Domingo.

From my point of view, the flats offer the best value for money for an investment between 280,000 USD – 780,000 USD in the entire UNESCO Old Town.

We are happy to send you floor plans, prices and availability.

UNESCO tax incentives:
– 30 years no property tax
– 10 years no income tax on rental income

Positive development in Casejo Viejo
Casejo Viejo

The purchase of such a flat is suitable for applying for a residence permit in Panama. With the Golden Investor Visa for investments in construction projects, the visa can be obtained within 30 days (info link).


Klaus Happ’s company “FRAPAN-Invest” advises investors who want to invest in real estate in Panama. He offers advice on all aspects of living in Panama.

The real estate market in Panama is internationally one of the most interesting for investments. We would like to be your trusted local partner and assist you with the initial purchase. Additionally, we can take care of your real estate in Panama in a sustainable way.

Profitable, safe and beautiful:
Investments in Panama

The Ultimate Guide to Your Plan B in Panama

Everything about real estate, residence permit and bank account in Panama!

Dreaming of a fresh start in Panama but don’t know where to begin? Don’t worry, we have the answers for you! Our exclusive guide “5 Steps to Plan B in Panama” will help you achieve your dream of living in Panama.

In our guide, you will learn how to successfully invest in Panama and achieve your financial independence. It is the perfect tool to build your Plan B and put your future plans into action.

Discover the Guide to Your Plan B in Panama – Now available for free.

Get our brand-new guide “The 5 Steps to Plan B in Panama” now. Simply write us an e-mail through the contact form with the subject “Free Guide to your Plan B in Panama” and we will send you the link for a free download. Please ensure to provide us with your full name!

Live your dream in Panama – We are the market leader in German-speaking Europe for “Visa & Invest” in Panama and accompany you on the way to your successful Plan B!


Klaus Happ’s company “FRAPAN-Invest” advises investors who want to invest in real estate in Panama. He offers advice on all aspects of living in Panama.

The real estate market in Panama is internationally one of the most interesting for investments. We would like to be your trusted local partner and assist you with the initial purchase. Additionally, we can take care of your real estate in Panama in a sustainable way.

Profitable, safe and beautiful:
Investments in Panama

Why I bought on Ocean Reef

As an international real estate investor looking for a Plan B in Panama or a capital investment, the exclusive real estate project “The Palms” on Ocean Reef is an excellent choice. I myself have purchased on Ocean Reef and would like to share my motivations for buying to help you in your purchase decision. These are my motivations for buying an apartment on Ocean Reef.

The following video gives a first impression of this special construction project.


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The Ocean Reef Islands are the most exclusive and beautiful real estate project in Panama and unique in Latin America. The supply is inherently limited by the “island” location of the project and no third island may be built. This uniqueness naturally has a major impact on the current and future price trends of Ocean Reef real estate.

Sold out soon

Apartment sales are moving quickly. “The Palms” is the last project of this kind on Ocean Reef because there are no more large lots that could be developed. Prices are rising, and I was eager to secure an apartment on Ocean Reef for my family in this unique project for the future. As an investment and plan B.

147 sqm apartments

The 147 sqm apartments offer the most affordable entry to Ocean Reef. They are efficiently sized, each with two bedrooms and parking spaces, and are flooded with light from the glazed living room and bedrooms. The apartment is large enough for a family. Four apartments of this model are still available as of June 2023 and I bought one of these.

Location & Beach Feeling

The location by the sea with morning sun and the beach feeling provides tranquility in the middle of the metropolis. There is a large pool area with a beach club that provides relaxation. It is not too hot in the afternoon and the beach feeling can also be enjoyed in the center of Panama. We feel very comfortable here.


The apartments at Ocean Reef Islands are very attractive to potential tenants because of the exclusive design, uniqueness and limited number of residential buildings. Since this is the most beautiful and exclusive project in Panama and almost everyone would like to live there, high rental demand is expected.

Top developer

Grupo Los Pueblos is a visionary developer that has been active since 1985. It has developed more than 5 million square feet and is responsible for the development of the 25th largest mall in the world, Albrook Mall, among other projects. I have worked with the founder and CEO of GLP for years. They have developed numerous large projects and have an excellent reputation in the industry. Accordingly, I have great confidence in their ability to successfully deliver “The Palms.”

6% p.a. interest rate & payment structure

The payment structure preserves liquidity. 20% is payable upon signing of the contract and a further 30% gradually during the construction phase. Finally, 50% is payable upon completion. Down payments via the regular payment plan receive an interest rate of 6% p.a. until completion. Accrued interest will be applied to the final purchase price. The offer of the interest rate mentioned here is valid for current purchases, but of course it can change. Therefore, please contact me directly.


In summary, investing in an apartment at Ocean Reef is a unique opportunity for international real estate investors. With an exclusive, unique and limited offer, a fantastic oceanfront location, a top developer and an efficient payment structure, it is a very interesting investment.

We will be happy to accompany you with our experience in the purchase process in Panama.


Klaus Happ’s company “FRAPAN-Invest” advises investors who want to invest in real estate in Panama. He offers advice on all aspects of living in Panama.

The real estate market in Panama is internationally one of the most interesting for investments. We would like to be your trusted local partner and assist you with the initial purchase. Additionally, we can take care of your real estate in Panama in a sustainable way.

Profitable, safe and beautiful:
Investments in Panama

Closing Costs in Panama

What additional costs should you expect when buying a property in Panama? With our report we would like to give you an overview of the costs when buying a property in Panama. In addition, we show you the ongoing monthly costs.

Closing Costs in Panama:

What are the incidental costs of buying real estate in Panama? We would like to give you a brief overview of the costs involved in buying real estate in Panama.

  • As a rule, the legal, notary and land registry costs in Panama together are approx. 5.000 USD (calculated for a 400.000 USD property / depending on property value).
  • The buyer usually pays the notary and land registry costs in Panama. The lawyer’s fees are borne by each party.
  • There is NO land acquisition and inheritance tax in Panama.
  • Any broker’s commission (usually 3-5%) is paid by the seller.
  • For the purchase of a property in Panama it is advisable to apply for a payment cheque at your bank in Panama in order to handle the transfer of ownership in a legally secure and risk-free way. The fee for a payment cheque is 0.25% – 1% depending on the bank.
  • The buyer does not pay taxes when buying a property in Panama.
  • The seller pays a sales tax of 2% and a capital gain tax of 10% (on the profit). Click here for more information on taxes in Panama.

Running costs of a property in Panama:

What running costs should you expect for an apartment in Panama City? We give you an overview.

  • In every tower building in Panama City there is a property management company that takes care of the day-to-day running of the building (building insurance, concierge, pool, lift, cleaning, gym, etc.). For this, you pay a monthly property management fee of usually 1.50 – 2.00 USD per sqm per month.
  • A rental management company that takes care of your flat and your tenant usually costs 10% of the monthly rent. Click here for more information about our property management in Panama.
  • Insurance for an apartment in Panama costs about 0.1% p.a. of the purchase value. In the old town Casco Viejo approx. 0.2% p.a.
  • Property tax in Panama depends on various factors (old town vs. new town, year of construction, use, etc). Often, real estate in Panama is exempt from property tax. For an insight, see taxes in Panama.
  • If you are looking for a tenant in Panama, the agent receives one month’s rent as a commission for the successful brokerage.

We are happy to accompany you with our experience in the purchase process in Panama.


Klaus Happ’s company “FRAPAN-Invest” advises investors who want to invest in real estate in Panama. He offers advice on all aspects of living in Panama.

The real estate market in Panama is internationally one of the most interesting for investments. We would like to be your trusted local partner and assist you with the initial purchase. Additionally, we can take care of your real estate in Panama in a sustainable way.

Profitable, safe and beautiful:
Investments in Panama

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