Author: Klaus Happ

Beach Apartments in Panama

If you are looking for a relaxing apartment at the beach with good infrastructure near the metropolis Panama City, Coronado is the place to be. Only one hour away from Panama City is Panama’s biggest and most developed beach area. On the beautiful beaches of Coronado you will find all necessary facilities of daily life like restaurants, supermarkets, nightlife and medical care. This makes you independent of the metropolis of Panama City, but still close enough to be able to dive into city life at any time.

The beach community Coronado originates in the 1970s. At that time, one of Panama’s wealthiest families built the first golf club in the area and in the following years expanded it to include a beach club. As a result, the first weekend homes in Coronado were built by families who live in Panama City but like to spend the weekend in their properties on the beach in Panama. As a result, there were the first restaurants, supermarkets, etc. in the area.

However, the real construction boom started in 2008, when one of the big Panamanian property developers came up with the idea of building the first large residential complex with apartments in Coronado, which met with great demand from North Americans especially.

Coronado Pool

There are four large supermarkets, several bars, a cinema, one hospital and much more, so you don’t have to leave for Panama City. The mountain range of Panama with the popular mountain village “El Valle de Antón” and always springlike temperatures is only 45 minutes away by car. The area is one of the driest and most sunny in Panama, so it is bathing season on 10 months a year.

Coronado Beach

In the Coronado area, there are about 15 such large residential complexes, three of which went bankrupt and were taken over by others. We prefer only three of these properties because of their location, quality, price, leisure facilities (pools, sports activities, restaurant, etc) and beach. In the last few years, the property market in this area has been characterized by slightly declining prices, as too much has been built. For apartments on the beach in Panama in good locations and qualities you pay about 2,500 USD/sqm in this area, which corresponds to the prices in Panama City. Maximum prices were paid in 2012 at just over 3,000 USD / sqm.

Coronado Apartment

Unlike Panama City, renting by airbnb is allowed here, so you can rent out your apartment in Coronado at good yields. There is hardly any competition from hotels in this area with regard to rental. The rental period here is usually from the weekend up to six months. Tenants are people (locals and expats) who live in the city and spend their weekend and annual holidays here and tourists from Europe and North America. This area is particularly popular with North Americans, as flights to Panama from there are much cheaper than to the Caribbean. Furthermore, Panama is much cheaper and safer than most Caribbean countries.

No matter whether you want to use your apartment in Coronado yourself or as an investment property, we are happy to help you with your real estate in Panama.



Klaus Happ’s company “FRAPAN-Invest” advises investors who want to invest in real estate in Panama. He offers advice on all aspects of living in Panama.

The real estate market in Panama is internationally one of the most interesting for investments. We would like to be your trusted local partner and assist you with the initial purchase. Additionally, we can take care of your real estate in Panama in a sustainable way.

Profitable, safe and beautiful:
Investments in Panama

Panama Canal is booming

Two years ago, the extension work on the Panama Canal was completed. Since then, the LNG (Liquid Natural Gas) giant tankers have been able to use the canal. Ships exporting natural gas and oil products from the USA are the fastest growing business for the Panama Canal, as annual revenue from passage fees has increased more than 20 times in the last two years.

For US energy companies, this means time and cost savings of over 30% on their way to their largest customers, the Asians and a large additional source of income for Panama.

LNG transports through the Panama Canal increased to six million tonnes last year and this year, according to Jorge Quijano, the canal’s manager, this figure is expected to almost double. In 2015 these were still at zero.

It is a booming business that will continue to grow” said Mr. Quijano, “because Panama now handles about 45% of US LNG exports and 46% of LNG exports. These ships together account for about 10% of the canal revenue.

The fuel cost savings are one of the benefits of using the Panama Canal, which reduces shipping time from Asia to the US East Coast by more than 10 days compared to using the Suez Canal. “They consume less fuel but pay high tolls in Panama,” said Peter Sand, chief analyst at Bimco, a global shipping association. “The total cost may be the same, but the transport time saved is very significant.”

Mr. Quijano expects container traffic via the canal to increase by an average of 5% per year over the next few years. The channel also handles about 30% of US grain exports to Asia.

But he also warns of the danger of trade tariffs between the USA, China and Europe.

“We are just one link in the global supply chain (…)” said Mr Quijano. “I am confident that the US and others will approach world trade in a balanced way. World trade is good for everyone. The duties are not good for anyone.”

The booming Panama Canal is an important part of the economy and promotes the country’s prosperity and growing infrastructure. These are important elements for the attractiveness of the investment location and real estate in Panama.



Klaus Happ’s company “FRAPAN-Invest” advises investors who want to invest in real estate in Panama. He offers advice on all aspects of living in Panama.

The real estate market in Panama is internationally one of the most interesting for investments. We would like to be your trusted local partner and assist you with the initial purchase. Additionally, we can take care of your real estate in Panama in a sustainable way.

Profitable, safe and beautiful:
Investments in Panama

How to buy real estate in Panama

We have realised many different real estate purchases in Panama. With this article we would like to give you an overview of the most important steps when buying a property in Panama. Furthermore, you will find a description of the transaction costs in Panama.

Purchase Process in Panama:

Existing property

  1. Purchase offer and price agreement
  2. Reservation agreement (Usually digital signature, 15 working days, 1% deposit)
  3. Legal Due Diligence
  4. Technical inspection of the property
  5. Purchase contract (45-60 days closing, 10% deposit)
  6. Buyer: Application of an irrevocable letter of payment with his bank in Panama (amount must be in the account)
  7. Seller: Pay relevant taxes & obtain water and electricity certificates
  8. Notary appointment and handing over of the payment cheque
  9. Registration in the land register
  10. Cashing the payment cheque

Property in a real estate development

  1. Purchase offer and price agreement
  2. Reservation (Usually digital signature / e.g. 2 weeks, 10,000 USD deposit)
  3. Legal due diligence
  4. Purchase contract (Usually digital signature, 10% – 30% down payment, depending on project)
  5. Remaining deposits (up to a total of 50%) according to construction progress
  6. Buyer: Application of an irrevocable letter of payment with his bank in Panama (amount must be in the account)
  7. Seller: Completion of the property
  8. Notary appointment and handing over of the payment cheque
  9. Registration in the land register
  10. Cashing of the payment cheque

Once you have found your property, you can also complete the property purchase in Panama from home. Because you do not have to be in Panama for the above points, because you can do some of them online or with a power of attorney for your lawyer in Panama. Your lawyer will then represent you in the purchase process with a special power of attorney, which is best given to him during your trip to Panama. You must be there in person to open your bank account in Panama. Take the help of our lawyers to ensure that everything runs smoothly.

We accompany you through the entire buying process in Panama.

Our experience shows that our efficient process takes us about 3 months from price agreement to registration in the land register.

Transaction costs in Panama:

What are the transaction costs when buying a property in Panama? We would like to give you a brief overview of the costs involved in buying real estate in Panama.

  • Usually the legal, notary and land registry costs together amount to approx. 0.8% – 1% of the purchase price (assuming a purchase value of 400,000 USD)
  • The buyer usually pays the notary and property registry fees in Panama. The lawyer’s fees are to be paid by each party
  • The bank fee for the above mentioned irrevocable letter of payment is 0.25% – 1% depending on the bank
  • There is NO inheritance tax
  • Exemption from property tax until 2031 for properties completed before 2011 / thereafter 0.6% – 1.0% p.a.
  • Sales tax is 2% and capital gain tax 10% (on profits)
  • Any brokerage fee (usually 3-5%) is paid by the seller
We are more than happy to help you with our experience when buying a property in Panama.


Klaus Happ’s company “FRAPAN-Invest” advises investors who want to invest in real estate in Panama. He offers advice on all aspects of living in Panama.

The real estate market in Panama is internationally one of the most interesting for investments. We would like to be your trusted local partner and assist you with the initial purchase. Additionally, we can take care of your real estate in Panama in a sustainable way.

Profitable, safe and beautiful:
Investments in Panama

Real estate portfolio & strategy in Panama

After “FRAPAN-Invest” and “arsago Real Estate” from Frankfurt established a partnership for real estate investments in Panama in July 2017, we started to build up a diversified and profitable real estate portfolio (Link) in Panama in January 2018, in which investors participate as limited partners.

With the following presentation we would like to present the real estate market in Panama, our strategy and our current real estate portfolio. By clicking on the link you will be taken to the corresponding presentation ( Link).

The real estate market in Panama counts internationally as one of the most interesting locations for property investment. We would like to be your local trusted adviser and to take care of your investments in Panama.



Klaus Happ’s company “FRAPAN-Invest” advises investors who want to invest in real estate in Panama. He offers advice on all aspects of living in Panama.

The real estate market in Panama is internationally one of the most interesting for investments. We would like to be your trusted local partner and assist you with the initial purchase. Additionally, we can take care of your real estate in Panama in a sustainable way.

Profitable, safe and beautiful:
Investments in Panama

Property management in Panama City

Since April 2018, we offer to real estate owners property management in Panama City. This allows us to offer real estate investors an all-in service for their properties in Panama (consulting, brokerage, purchase processing, management and investor trips to Panama).

As part of our management of properties in Panama City, we offer the following services:

  • AirBnb service (marketing, administration, customer care, cleaning, etc)
  • Long-term rental
  • Furnishing and turnkey solutions
  • Tenant search
  • Organisation and supervision of necessary repairs
  • Network of reliable tradesmen
  • Coordination of air conditioning maintenance
  • Coordination of access to public service providers (water, electricity, etc.)
  • Control of incoming rent and expenses
  • Inspections
  • Participation in owners’ meetings
  • Monthly reporting


Klaus Happ’s company “FRAPAN-Invest” advises investors who want to invest in real estate in Panama. He offers advice on all aspects of living in Panama.

The real estate market in Panama is internationally one of the most interesting for investments. We would like to be your trusted local partner and assist you with the initial purchase. Additionally, we can take care of your real estate in Panama in a sustainable way.

Profitable, safe and beautiful:
Investments in Panama

Panama expands strategic relationships worldwide

About 80% of Panama’s economy is dominated by the service sector and benefits greatly from foreign direct investment. The country continues to develop its economic and political relations in order to bring tourism, capital and companies to Panama. This in turn leads to increased demand for real estate in Panama, both from buyers and tenants.

After Panama established diplomatic relations with China in June last year (Link) and since then has greatly expanded economic relations, Air China has been flying to Panama City twice a week since April 2018. Chinese investors are now arriving directly in Panama (link) due to the first easing of entry requirements for Chinese.

In February, the delegation led by President Varela visited the leader of Dubai. In addition to political and economic representatives, the management of the Dubai sovereign wealth fund were also present at the meeting in Dubai. Key topics were investments from the Arab region in the areas of infrastructure, real estate, trading and energy. Both countries are the logistics and trading centre (Panama as Hub of the Americas) on their respective continents and now want to bundle their geographical and strategic strengths.

In mid-May, the President of Panama, Juan Carlos Varela, met with British Prime Minister Theresa May. It was the first time in history that a Panamanian head of state met a British Prime Minister. The aim of the talks with Theresa May, other ministers, companies (including British Airways) and British investors was to further strengthen and expand economic, political and tourist relations.

After these summits, the Panama delegation continued its trip to Israel to discuss the same topics with Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and economic representatives.

This progress in Panama’s economic and political relations is fundamentally very positive for the real estate market in Panama.



Klaus Happ’s company “FRAPAN-Invest” advises investors who want to invest in real estate in Panama. He offers advice on all aspects of living in Panama.

The real estate market in Panama is internationally one of the most interesting for investments. We would like to be your trusted local partner and assist you with the initial purchase. Additionally, we can take care of your real estate in Panama in a sustainable way.

Profitable, safe and beautiful:
Investments in Panama

Business Consulting Panama

Klaus Happ supports with his business consulting for Panama those companies that want to become commercially active or expand their business in Panama. Due to his experience and contacts he supports to find interesting business opportunities and partners in Panama. As a business consultant for Panama he carries out together with a business law firm in Panama City, which is historically very well connected in the country (in business, politics and to the important families of the region).

Panama is the fastest growing country in the western world (GDP growth since 2002 approx. 8% p.a. / according to the IMF for the next four years at approx. 6% p.a.) and has the USD as its national currency. These are two important characteristics of a country in which growth and legal security provide a good basis for commercial activities. In this context, more than 130 multinational corporations have their headquarters for Central and South America in Panama and use the country as a “Hub of the Americas” due to its outstanding geographical location. Panama serves not only as a safe investment location, but also as a starting point for expanding business activities to other Latin American countries.

The following objectives are the goals of the business consulting Panama:

  • Diversification of the business portfolio
  • Panama as “Hub of the Americas” offers access to all of Latin America
  • Participation in economic growth in Panama
  • Investment security through Western structure and political stability with USD as currency

Our service

  • Advising international companies on their planned business activities in Panama
  • Business and delegation trips to Panama to discuss concrete project implementations with Panama’s decision-makers from business and government
  • Presentation of interesting projects in Panama before they are put out to tender
  • Mediation of potential joint venture partners in Panama
  • Legal advice on the establishment of a company and the tendering process
  • Networking and lobby work
Event with ambassador Dr. Guido Spasadfora

(Event with ambassador Dr. Guido Spadadfora)

In particular, the following projects and topics in Panama are interesting for companies:

  • Infrastructure and Logistic Projects
  • Panama Canal Projects (industrial / logistics parks, container port, energy and water projects)
  • International Airport Panama City (Planning & Construction of an Airport City, Industrial Park, etc.)
  • Smart City & Intelligent Traffic and Parking Solutions
  • Renewable Energies
  • Recycling, environmental and water systems
  • New copper mine
  • Tourism

Klaus Happ
Klaus Happ is married to a Panameña, lives in Frankfurt and is in Panama every two months. Until 2017, he worked for 23 years as a capital market specialist at UBS and Dresdner Bank. Since 2017 his real estate company “FRAPAN-Invest, Corp.” has been operating in Panama and he is the Managing Director of the German real estate holding company “arsago Panama”. Since 2017 he has been advising German companies and has travelled to Panama for various delegations and entrepreneurs, including “Bayern International”. Together with the ambassador he was Panama’s representative at the “Central America Day of the German Economy in 2018” (Info-Link) and the same at the “Panama Business Forum in Hamburg 2019” (Info-Link) and in Frankfurt 2019 (Info-Link). Furthermore, he accompanies companies from Panama (e.g. Panama Pacifico) to expand their business in Germany.

Business Consulting Panama: We support you as a professional and experienced partner

Investment in real estate portfolio

Investors participate in Panama real estate portfolio.
In July 2017 “FRAPAN-Invest” and “arsago Real Estate” from Frankfurt have entered into a partnership for real estate investments in Panama (Link). We combine decades of real estate management experience with local market access and network in Panama. Now investors are investing in a diversified and profitable real estate portfolio.

In December 2017, we began to build up a diversified and profitable real estate portfolio in Panama, in which investors as limited partners participate. This portfolio enables investors to achieve steady and attractive rental returns in USD.

The planned allocation of the real estate portfolio in Panama is as follows:

Portfolio Allocation

We are currently buying in Panama’s prime locations, where employees of multinational corporations such as Nestle, Adidas, the United Nations (and another 250 multinational corporations in Panama) are looking for rentals. Our investments so far have focused on modern apartments in the skyline in the front row of the Pacific Ocean and on apartments in the unique UNESCO Old Town. The gross rental yields to be achieved in USD are around 7%.

Enclosed photos of a purchased UNESCO-Altstadt-Apartment (Link) and a purchased modern apartment (Link) to get an impression of our investments.

And this is the view of another apartment that we are about to buy:

Skyline Panama City

When selecting apartments, we pay attention not only to finding reliable and long-term tenants, but also to the value of the properties and their locations. We are currently buying modern apartments in the first row on the Pacific Ocean for about 2,500 USD per square meter. At the current exchange rate this is approximately 2,000 euros per square meter. Such prices in comparable locations will be difficult to find in other parts of the world. Against this backdrop, we will continue to focus on achieving lucrative price increases in the future when selecting properties for sale.

The demand for apartments is currently increasing in Panama City. This applies to both buyers and tenants. On the one hand, this is due to the low purchasing costs compared with other countries and the weak USD. For example, many Canadian investors are currently using the strong CAD vs. USD for their purchases and want to buy before the arrival of Chinese investors (who will soon receive their tourist visa). In addition, there are major infrastructure projects (2nd airport terminal, new cruise port, new metro line, new canal bridge, new event centre), which means that many new employees are looking for rented accommodation.



Klaus Happ’s company “FRAPAN-Invest” advises investors who want to invest in real estate in Panama. He offers advice on all aspects of living in Panama.

The real estate market in Panama is internationally one of the most interesting for investments. We would like to be your trusted local partner and assist you with the initial purchase. Additionally, we can take care of your real estate in Panama in a sustainable way.

Profitable, safe and beautiful:
Investments in Panama

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